Evansville Criminal Defense Lawyer

Protecting the Rights of the Accused

Highly Experienced & Seasoned Trial Lawyer

Fighting Injustice for Over 30 Years

With a wealth of over three decades’ experience in the realm of criminal defense, Verdelski Miller has firmly established himself as a seasoned attorney.

Having represented clients in more than 85 jury trial cases, he consistently pursues justice and fairness. His profound dedication and passion lie in safeguarding the rights of individuals. He staunchly believes that every person’s rights should be upheld and respected in the legal arena.

When you choose him as your attorney, you can have complete confidence in his unwavering commitment, extensive expertise, and unyielding devotion to protecting your rights.

Why Verdelski Miller

Aggressive Representation


Highly Experienced


Detail Oriented


Client Focused


Verdelski Miller specializes in criminal defense, offering expertise in a range of cases, including gun crimes, drug crimes, theft & burglary, violent crimes, and murder. Our aggressive representation fights to protect your rights, freedom, and future. We dive deep into the details, scrutinize the evidence, and leverage every legal avenue to build a strong defense for your case.

When it comes to criminal defense, you need more than just legal advice. We approach your case with the utmost seriousness from the very beginning, and we vigorously fight for your rights.

When you’re facing drug crimes charges, the stakes are high. Your freedom, reputation, and future are on the line. It’s essential to have a seasoned legal advocate by your side, someone who understands the complexities of Indiana’s drug laws and is committed to defending your rights. At Verdelski Miller, our dedicated drug defense lawyer is here to stand up for you.

We are your trusted allies, ready to fight tirelessly to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your case.

At Verdelski Miller, we take pride in our in-depth comprehension of the intricate process associated with gun charges. Our proficiency extends from the initial arrest to possible post-trial procedures, guaranteeing that you receive strong representation at every stage of the legal journey.

We are ready to provide a rigorous defense for those accused of gun-related offenses in Evansville, Indiana and the surrounding areas. We carefully assess each case to build a strong defense strategy to reduce your charges or achieve an acquittal.

At Verdelski Miller, we understand that facing charges for assault crimes can be an incredibly daunting and stressful experience. The consequences of a conviction can be life-altering, impacting not only your freedom but also your reputation and future prospects.

Our firm, based in Evansville, IN, is committed to defending your rights, ensuring you receive a fair trial, and mitigating the charges against you to the fullest extent possible. We leverage our expertise and resources to help you navigate the complexities of the legal system with the empathy and guidance you deserve.

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Have a Highly Seasoned Trial Lawyer on Your Side

85+ Jury Trials with over 30 Years of Experience Fighting For Client's Rights